The best method we have found in getting
the word out about the power of Jon's message on the
6-CD set is in the testimonials from peers and clients'
alike. Jon's own personal quest has inspired over 15,000
people to go through his health programs and
discover for themselves the benefits of his simple -
yet effective - system for health.
Amazing results begins with amazing
people - and here are just a few of the personal and
peer testimonials that demonstrates the power of Jon's
teachings for overcoming disease, and creating a superior
level of health and well-being: |
Cotton is a passionate voice that is sorely needed
in today's environment of escalating health problems.
to what he has to say. You will be glad you did."
- Harvey Diamond,
Best-selling Author, FIT FOR LIFE
I started listening to the CD's (Total Health Secrets
CEO, Jon Cotton's CD Workshop, ("Unlimited
Vitality") the evening I got them and found them so
fascinating that I could hardly stop. I thought I would
listen to just one CD, but I stayed up and listened to
all of them.
I have learned more then I ever knew was involved in health and eating habits.
Not only was it entertaining, but it was truly an eye opener. Living in our modern
age, it seemed strange to me that we have such a health crisis in our society,
with disease like cancer running rampant. After listening to the CD's, it now
makes sense to me - we are literally being mis-fed so much in our society.
I have learned what I can do for myself to reverse the damage that I have done
from my past bad eating habits, although I had ironically considered myself to
be a health conscious person, being a vegetarian, shopping at health food stores
and exercising often. I'm now aware of the misguided choices I was making regarding
my diet and health, as Jon has spelled out so clearly. I have also done some
of his recommendations, such as cleansing, and I have been amazed by the results.
It far surpassed my expectations, and it would not be an exaggeration to say
that I honestly feel it has given me a new lease on life - at 38 years old.
Hearing his genuine level of concern for informing people and helping them get
healthy is not only impressive, but so refreshing. I can only hope that more
people can learn this wealth of crucial information that he has to share."
- Barbara Libbey, Boston, MA |
wanted to tell you how moved I was by your CDs. They
were such a great benefit to me that I want to share
it with others.
Everything you buy comes with an Operators Manual or set of instructions. When
you buy a computer they tell you how to operate it. Even my toaster comes with
a manual. Everything comes with a set of Instructions except this HUMAN BODY!
You have created the first OWNERS MANUAL for the Human Body. Finally, no more
trial and error. Finally, no more guess work searching for the right combination
for optimal health. When something goes wrong, all I have to do is refer to the
CDs. It is invaluable! And well worth the investment.
I can't thank you enough for all the hard work that you do. It certainly has
been a blessing for me and I hope that the message gets out to as many people
as possible so they can receive the same blessing as I have. From now on,
I will continue to spread the "Gospel According to Jon" to all who will listen
and receive your wonderful message. Excellent job!!!
- Brian Buchanan, Fairfax, VA |
31 years old and have always been interested in creating
better health and energy. I found Jon's audio workshop
to be a great motivational tool and a quick reference
to several topics, from food combining to the physiological
benefits of raw foods...I especially found listening
to the CDs helpful during my cleansing process.
I'm grateful to have stumbled onto Jon and his work 5 years ago. I have learned
so much about the true nature of disease and I have adopted a new vision of my
own potential for great health. Thanks Jon,
- Ben Williams, Berkeley, CA |
wanted to say thank you for making this wonderful program
available. I went walking on a nature trail with my 13-year-old
son, at the Chatahoochee River near our home which has
several fairly steep hills.
I was able to keep up with
my son with no chest pain or heart palpitations at all!
This is amazing! I am in tears as I write this. The last
time I went to this trail a few months ago I could only
take the hills about 20 feet at a time with a 5-minute
rest in between as my heart would begin pounding and
skipping beats, along with severe chest pains and shortness
of breath. I know I have a long way to go, but after
only two weeks …this is amazing!
It felt so good
to breath deeply again. Once more, thank you and bless
- Steve Retchko, Sugar Hill, GA |
often does one come away wholly satisfied with an organization's
caliber of integrity? Perhaps, the answer lies in their
selfless approach! Indeed, the faculty of Total Health
Secrets' service model parallels with that of a notable
passage from Dr. Rudolph Hauschka:
"A selfless approach, it is about developing
dynamic solutions that forge a new path in the history of
choices: health, food and well being, whereby claiming no
ownership of this knowledge and recognizing that this knowledge
and its application (ie. Unlimited Vitality Seminars) belongs
to humanity. This selfless approach is the basis of this
remarkable organization where it takes stepping far beyond
what is acceptable and implementing something extraordinary."
Thank you for your on-going efforts toward implementing something extraordinary."
-Nanci N. Wong, Practitioner: Holistic Nutrition Education, San Jose, CA |